All the excitement about Valentine’s Day makes it easy for us to spend a day focusing on romantic love, but committing to act in love all year long is more difficult.
As a couple, discuss Ephesians 5. Read the chapter together or individually, then focus your conversation on the following passage and discussion questions.
“And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2
- What do you like best and dislike most about Valentine’s Day?
- What are your favorite ways to celebrate our marriage?
- What are some ways we can “walk in love” on Valentine’s Day and the rest of the year?
Valentine’s Day is the largest commercial expression of romantic love in our culture. All the excitement makes it easy for us to spend a day focusing on romantic love, but committing to act in love all year long is more difficult. Years of marriage, jobs, children and mundane routines can dilute the passion that once burned bright. We can even become cynical as we are surrounded by young people expressing their love on Valentine’s Day. But what if we used this day as a celebration of our mature love, as well as a reminder to be grateful for all the years we’ve shared with our spouse?
Christ’s sacrificial love for us offers an example of what it means to have a deep, abiding love for another person. The giving of ourselves helps us walk in love — not only for one day but for the rest of our lives.
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