Leaders of small groups of every kind need training
Good training produces leaders who are confident, who understand relationship dynamics, spiritual dynamics and are capable of creating an effective group atmosphere essential for discipleship, pastoral care and evangelism.
This course is a leadership development tool. Trainees will experience personal growth, skills development and an understanding of the core issues encountered in running groups of every kind.
Good training develops leaders who are excited about leading and capable of assisting others in growing to their full potential in Christ.
This course includes teaching on the core issues involved in discipleship and restoration with many demonstrations of the small group skills involved.
The Small Group Leader and Facilitator Training DVD set and Manuals
Training can be done individually or in a group setting. Each training whether it be one person or a group will need to use the Leader Training DVD set, along with a Training Manual for each person attending and it is essential for each trainee undertaking the course, these tools will be an invaluable resource for their future leadership as it includes material on skills for intervention and practical tools which can be adapted to a wide variety of small group settings
Participant Feedback
I gained some really useful knowledge and skills which are easy to understand and to apply. This has been really helpful to me to feel more confident in leading small groups in a variety of settings.
Valiant Man - Use Case Senario
The Facilitator Training is particularly useful for Men wanting to run a Valiant Man course in your church, it really helps gain valuable insight prior to running your Valaint Man course and will give much more effective leadership and confidence...really making your leaders champions of the family. Valiant Man Course info
Session Information
- Introduction (Valuable recruiting tool, optional for training)
- Leading People into the Blessing of God
- Core Issues in Growth
- Shame Guilt and the Cycle of Addiction
- The Influence of Family
- Keys to Discipleship and Restoration
- Grief and the Small Group