What is Alive to Thrive?
Alive to Thrive is a flexible learning experience designed for individuals and groups. Learn how to help friends and loved ones with our free online suicide prevention training. It’s clinically and biblically-based.
Why Suicide Prevention?
Each year New Zealand loses roughly 660 people to suicide, that is twice as many people as the road toll. We have the highest youth suicide rate in the OECD, it is two and a half times that of Australia.
With Focus on the Family FREE online resource, Alive to Thrive, you’ll learn about issues that can lead to suicide, and we’ll teach you how to address them long before your child might ever entertain thoughts of ending his or her life. Click the link below to check it out and set aside some time to go through this life-saving training tool!
One of the hidden and less discussed impacts of our COVID pandemic is the toll it is taking on the mental health of our young people.
Why Suicide Prevention?
Each year New Zealand loses roughly 660 people to suicide, that is twice as many people as the road toll. We have the highest youth suicide rate in the OECD, it is two and a half times that of Australia.
With Focus on the Family FREE online resource, Alive to Thrive, you’ll learn about issues that can lead to suicide, and we’ll teach you how to address them long before your child might ever entertain thoughts of ending his or her life. Click the link below to check it out and set aside some time to go through this life-saving training tool!
The suicide rate among teen girls recently reached a forty-year high.
3000 +
On average, more than three thousand teens attempt suicide every day.
Nine out of ten deaths by suicide have an underlying diagnosable mental health issue.2
Additional Information
Alive to Thrive New ZealandAny interested person or group will benefit from Alive to Thrive. Those in a positions of influence—such as parents, pastors, teachers, coaches, and teen leaders will find the content especially helpful.