What is March for Life?
Since 2017 we’ve been coming together in our nation’s Capital to be a voice for the most vulnerable, the most precious among us, our children.
The National March for Life is an important opportunity to come together in solidarity to stand for life; to stand for mothers and fathers; to stand for love.
Get ready to March for Life Saturday 2 December!
More than half a million pre-born children have violently lost their lives to abortion. Countless mothers regret their abortions, and carry the wounds of their experiences. The negative impact on women, men, and our nation’s children is personally experienced by so many every single day.
You’d be forgiven for thinking that all has been lost…
… but don’t give up! You are part of a global movement that’s winning!
Learn MoreHere’s how to get involved:
Get ready to March for Life Saturday 2 December!
More than half a million pre-born children have violently lost their lives to abortion. Countless mothers regret their abortions, and carry the wounds of their experiences. The negative impact on women, men, and our nation’s children is personally experienced by so many every single day.
You’d be forgiven for thinking that all has been lost…
… but don’t give up! You are part of a global movement that’s winning!
The following organisations and national bodies endorse the National March for Life:Couples for Christ
Executive Presbytery of the Assemblies of God in New Zealand
Family First
Family Life International NZ
Focus on the Family
Hillary’s Law
Jesus for NZ
John Paul II Centre for Life Christchurch
NZ Catholic Bishops Conference
NZ Christian Network
Promise Keepers
Right to Life
Voice for Life
“The National March for Life was established in 2017 to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the passing of the Contraception, Sterilization, and Abortion Act, 1977. Now, with the Abortion Legislation Act 2020 regulating abortions in New Zealand, the role of the March for Life is even more critical. United we can make abortion unthinkable!”
Above: Wayne Mulqueen Director of Focus on the Family New Zealand
Whether you are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, or need someone to talk to after experiencing abortion, we’re here to help!There are many places you can turn to throughout New Zealand to discuss your options and find support during this time of your life. Learn more here