Getting Started
- Watch today’s Marriage Meditation video.
- Read today’s marriage devotion.
- Share today’s question with your spouse.
We want your marriage to be thriving and healthy. Take a free marriage assessment to identify the key areas where your marriage could use improvement and the tools that will help you strengthen your bond with your spouse. Take the free assessment!
Take the free Marriage AssessmentMarriage
As we seek to focus on the significance of Jesus’ birth amid all the hustle and bustle of the season, another crucial part of Christmas is often lost.
November 27, 2024
I wasn’t fully on board with my wife’s dreams to adopt. But we finally found ourselves on the same page. We have some suggestions for aligning your dreams so that you’re headed toward the same goal.
November 26, 2024
Love & Intimacy
What is intimacy? What is the definition of intimacy? Sometimes people will do just about anything to get close to someone they find interesting, intriguing, or just plain irresistible. Is that being intimate?
“Our souls crave intimacy.” — Erwin Raphael McManus
November 17, 2024
Erin Smalley challenges wives to avoid criticizing their husbands. She’s found that effective communication in marriage includes encouragement and positive feedback.
November 17, 2024
To overcome unforgiveness, we need to deal with our emotional wounds and let them heal.
November 17, 2024
Managing Money
Money issues can cause big problems in marriage. It’s important to understand God’s plan for our finances and work to be good stewards of his property. Here are some tips to help do that.
August 8, 2024
Emotional Health
When you first got married, you laughed all the time with your spouse. You loved to play with your beloved, and you took delight in him or her. But it’s been a while, hasn’t it? Has the fun evaporated from your marriage due to the heat of stress or responsibility?
Laughter can help with that. After all, a joyful heart is good medicine!
July 25, 2024
Love & Intimacy
Authors Bill and Pam Farrel look back on some of life’s storms that helped them build a lasting, enduring love in their marriage. They offer some tips that will help you do just that.
June 18, 2024
Love & Intimacy
A marriage vow is a special and powerful promise — and we need it for many reasons. If you’re living together but you’re not married yet, consider the power of the vow.
May 15, 2024
Navigating a new marriage may not be as easy as the movies make it seem, but with an attentive eye and an earnest heart, you can avoid these pitfalls and have a beautiful newlywed season.
April 22, 2024
For Christian families, there’s an overwhelming importance upon understanding the roles of female and male. However, our culture emphasizes different aspects of these roles from Christianity. In the Christian context, the origin point for this conversation lies at the beginning: the creation of woman and man.
April 18, 2024
One way to strengthen your marriage is to study the Bible together. To start, you can read these devotions adapted from the Kingdom Marriage Devotional by Dr. Tony Evans.
April 12, 2024
Love & Intimacy
There are five basic love languages – five ways to express love emotionally. Each person has a primary love language that we must learn to speak if we want that person to feel loved.
March 26, 2024
How do you counsel someone against living together before marriage — a decision counter to God’s Word? The first step is to seek knowledge.
March 13, 2024
Wives and mothers desire expressed and demonstrated respect rather than the mere avoidance of disrespect.
May 18, 2023
Each person comes to their wedding with a unique set of life experiences and levels of childhood trauma that impact the marriage relationship.
May 9, 2023
The most common complaint among married couples is a lack of communication. Too much conflict is among the top five reasons people divorce.
May 5, 2023
It’s hard work to rebuild trust and intimacy after the betrayal of infidelity, but when both partners are willing to do the work, it’s worth it.
April 28, 2023
Helping others together as a couple can make your marriage stronger.
April 26, 2023
When you discover the joy of helping your spouse succeed, you begin to establish or restore emotional health, respect, support and encouragement in your marriage.
April 26, 2023
Is it possible to practice a deep sense of awe and an attitude of gratitude in the ordinary moments of marriage?
April 21, 2023
When ADHD and marriage go together, you can face repeating conflict patterns. But you can lessen those patterns and strengthen your marriage.
April 21, 2023
Emotional Health
Many godly, Christ-centered homes struggle with clinical depression. Here’s one family’s story.
April 20, 2023
Couples can find the balance between a busy life and a growing relationship, and they can further enhance their love with these simple, 30-second habits.
April 18, 2023
Love & Intimacy
If we are not diligent to date our mate, the business and busyness of life can infringe until we spend less time together now that we are married than we did before our vows.
April 17, 2023
Managing Money
Having open and honest communication around money management, you and your partner can share personal goals and concerns, understand each other’s financial habits, establish alignment, and agree upon a shared vision.
April 11, 2023
If we are not diligent to date our mate, the business and busyness of life can infringe until we spend less time together now that we are married than we did before our vows.
March 16, 2023
As I strive to honor God in my marriage, I am consistently learning—and observing—that a godly marriage is strengthened when a husband meets the highs and lows of life with consistent faithfulness, love, and devotion.
February 27, 2023
Understanding my husband’s hobbies brought us closer together
February 15, 2023
We need the encouragement of friends and family — not just when a marriage begins, but to keep it from ending. Our loved ones can make the difference between relationship life and death.
February 1, 2023
Our kids are constantly watching us, and how we treat our spouse is probably how our children will treat their own spouse someday. Your marriage is your child’s blueprint for intimacy and relationships.
January 31, 2023
God wants to heal women addicted to porn, just as he did with me. He wants the best for you and your marriage. Here’s what you should know.
January 30, 2023
God has called husbands and wives to serve as unique vessels of His love for the other.
January 26, 2023
A basic understanding of God, and how He created humans, will help develop deeper intimacy in marriage.
January 18, 2023
Emotional Health
Ask the Lord to give you empathy for your mother, to help you understand, and to show you how you can love and support her in her struggles.
January 12, 2023
Conflict can lead you toward a deeper marriage connection
January 11, 2023
Friendship in marriage is vital, but the busyness of life can squelch it. Don’t let emotional connection in marriage fade away — revive it using these tips.
January 11, 2023
Emotional Health
Emotional abuse in marriage is one of the hardest forms of abuse to recognize, but unrepentant patterns are the key to identifying it.
January 9, 2023
Do you want to draw closer as a couple in the new year? Try sharing and then setting your goals for the next 12 months together.
December 28, 2022
If you and your spouse are going to function as teammates in marriage, you need to actually understand each other’s situation and validate each other.
December 23, 2022
Learn how to strengthen your marriage and love your husband by building a good relationship with your mother-in-law.
December 23, 2022
One awful eve of envy helped me learn how to be content at Christmas instead of creating conflict in my marriage. Here’s what I learned.
December 13, 2022
Managing Money
If you and your spouse argue about the same money issues over and over, it may be time to look below the surface.
December 13, 2022
When you treat your spouse with compassion, it creates a safe environment to share your deepest thoughts and feelings.
December 12, 2022
Why is Advent important? Advent is a time of hope. When we show our children Advent’s profound truths, they receive a higher hope than anything this world can offer.
December 8, 2022
How can you fix an unhappy marriage? Learn how you can develop effective, yet simple habits for marital happiness.
November 27, 2022
If your marriage is in trouble, you can cry out to God with these prayers for marriage restoration. Remember that nothing is too hard for God.
November 27, 2022
Practicing complete honesty in marriage and having nothing to hide isn’t as scary as you think. Being transparent can transform your marriage.
November 27, 2022
Couples in this digital age face new relationship hazards. Although rekindling old flames is a leading concern, experts say it’s not the only one. Read on to discover three other potential problems.
November 23, 2022
For thousands of years, husbands and wives have been making bad decisions. But today, enticements often come with a new twist because of the anonymity and accessibility that come with social media.
November 22, 2022
Most of us in second marriages can clearly see that adding education, personal awareness and intentionality to our current marriage can create a new, mutually satisfying relationship.
November 16, 2022
In their years of marriage, Bob and Maria Goff have teased out a few principles that have allowed their love to grow. “Love isn’t something you fall into,” Bob says. “It’s someone you become.”
November 16, 2022
Conflict is inevitable in marriage and can create damage or discovery — we choose which it will be. Discovery means learning new ideas, approaches and solutions if we fight together for our marriage.
November 8, 2022
Is it possible to practice a deep sense of awe and an attitude of gratitude in the ordinary moments of marriage?
November 4, 2022
Enjoying life and laughing together again as a couple is important after experiencing a hard season together. Here’s how to have fun again.
October 28, 2022
Emotional Health
Emotions — even anger and hurt — have a purpose. These strong feelings need to be appropriately understood, valued and utilized so you can better care for yourself and know your spouse deeply.
October 26, 2022
When you learn your spouse has a terminal illness, everything changes in an instant. What’s important to know as you begin this hard journey?
October 20, 2022
Steven and Mary Beth Chapman have guided their kids through grief and confusion. They’ve done this by being real and sharing openly as they’ve grappled with their own emotions and unresolved questions.
October 10, 2022
Emotional Health
While you may never know the reason that your father left you, there is one thing you can be absolutely sure of: You have a Heavenly Father who loves you and will never leave you or forsake you.
September 12, 2022
All couples fight. And it feels as if we’re fighting about something. But when we look at our conflicts, they can sound pretty insignificant. Big things don’t ensnare us as often as the little things.
September 12, 2022
Love & Intimacy
The qualities of common kindness, honesty, empathy, loyalty and trust are gifts that each spouse gives to the other. This friendship foundation enhances relationship happiness throughout the marriage.
September 12, 2022
Providing kinship care as a grandparent can be challenging. But Richard Dixson has embraced the opportunity to parent again.
September 8, 2022
The adjustment from being single to being married can create feelings of loss and anxiety. Here’s how to cope.
September 5, 2022
Emotional Health
You may want to know how to help and support someone you love who’s in an abusive relationship. Here are several ways that can enable you to be there for them.
September 5, 2022
Relationship rituals strengthen a marriage if they’re meaningful to both spouses. Check out these ideas to build connection in your marriage.
September 5, 2022
If you’re experiencing the loss of a prodigal son or daughter who isn’t currently in touch with you, you probably feel helpless. Here are some ways to understand a prodigal child and find hope if you have a prodigal child.
August 22, 2022
By building a good relationship with your husband’s mom, you can show your husband that you love him. Here are some ways you can reach out to your mother-in-law and create a peaceful family bond.
August 18, 2022
Self-care is an act of stewardship, or caring well for the life God has given you. Rightly understood, self-care in marriage becomes a gift to your spouse.
August 16, 2022
What is God’s plan for marriage? Marriage is the full expression and design of God’s image in human beings.
August 12, 2022
If you’re in a chronically unhappy marriage, you may feel trapped and hopeless. But transformational options exist for those in a stressful marriage.
August 11, 2022
Francis Chan discusses how having a marriage focused on a mission will require commitment and sacrifice, asking couples if their view of the future is big enough.
August 11, 2022
Love & Intimacy
Before a married couple can truly love each other, they must know the definition of love. First Corinthians 13:4-5 emphasizes that love is patient and kind.
August 4, 2022
Love & Intimacy
Physical and emotional problems can challenge any marriage. But with the help of God and good friends, Ken and Joni Eareckson Tada found the strength to persevere in their marriage.
August 1, 2022
Burn survivor John O’Leary’s story of unconditional love and commitment inspires all to live a life that can overcome fierce obstacles.
July 29, 2022
Letting in-laws split, manipulate, or control you by silently acceding to their nutty, neurotic, inappropriate demands isn’t necessarily showing Christian love.
July 18, 2022
Dr. Ron Welch, the author of The Controlling Husband: What Every Woman Needs to Know, shares his story of making his wife and marriage a priority.
June 29, 2022
If you want a joyful heart but find yourself complaining to your spouse, take action. These simple practices can show you how to stop complaining.
June 13, 2022
Satan wants to keep you isolated from other Christians so you don’t encourage one another. But fellowship can strengthen your marriage.
June 3, 2022
I wonder what our lives would be like if we reframed how we thought about our tasks. What if we regularly took time to stop and see how far we’ve come, and then gave thanks for our progress?
May 24, 2022
When a husband says, “My wife constantly criticizes me,” what do you do? Help him deal with the issue using these tips.
May 19, 2022
Marriage requires making room for someone else in your life. To add this relationship to your life requires letting go of some of your other commitments and giving your spouse priority consideration.
April 26, 2022
Couples can find the balance between a busy life and a growing relationship, and they can further enhance their love with these simple, 30-second habits.
April 19, 2022
Helping others together as a couple can make your marriage stronger.
April 12, 2022
The Bible tells us to forgive unconditionally, but it doesn’t say we are to forget immediately. Sometimes it takes time to rebuild the trust that’s been lost.
April 11, 2022
While there’s no one-size-fits-all formula that will instantly revolutionize a mismatched marriage, a few principles can contribute to the health of a relationship.
April 11, 2022
When expectations are realistic, a difficult reality becomes a lot less difficult. Overcoming blended-family myths.
April 8, 2022
Long-term problems, like termites, can eat away at the foundation of your marriage. But you can fix a broken relationship by exterminating them.
April 6, 2022
Do you know the real facts about marriage or just the myths? Find out the positive truth about marriage today.
April 5, 2022