About Focus on the Family
We place a strong emphasis on seeking out and providing redemptive solutions to the problems and issues that negatively impact marriages, families and the human person.
Our desire is to empower the Church with knowledge, skills and the tools to be a vibrant living witness to the life-changing power of a relationship with Jesus and in return put that Christian love into action in the community and country around them.
We provide the best resources possible in the form of practical formation programmes, practical care and support to marriages and families experiencing relationship or parenting difficulties, advice and support to churches and Christian leaders, support to crisis pregnancy as well as maintaining a strong emphasis on outreach through regular radio broadcasts on Rhema NZ, Southern Star, Pod casts on iHeart Radio and Spotify & iTunes, regular events around New Zealand, our blog and our Facebook pages.

Focus on the Family New Zealand was started in 1999 by Ian and Mary Grant who had a desire to introduce a respected Christian Ministry brand that provided real solutions via deep Christian faith in action.
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New Zealand Director
Wayne Mulqueen is married with two lovely children and has a passion for faith, family and community. Having himself faced many of life's harder challenges, Wayne brings a particular eye and a high degree of strategic focus to the ministry as Focus continues to reach out into New Zealand.,
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