As I strive to honor God in my marriage, I am consistently learning—and observing—that a godly marriage is strengthened when a husband meets the highs and lows of life with consistent faithfulness, love, and devotion.

Understanding my husband’s hobbies brought us closer together

We need the encouragement of friends and family — not just when a marriage begins, but to keep it from ending. Our loved ones can make the difference between relationship life and death.

Our kids are constantly watching us, and how we treat our spouse is probably how our children will treat their own spouse someday. Your marriage is your child’s blueprint for intimacy and relationships.

God wants to heal women addicted to porn, just as he did with me. He wants the best for you and your marriage. Here’s what you should know.

God has called husbands and wives to serve as unique vessels of His love for the other.

A basic understanding of God, and how He created humans, will help develop deeper intimacy in marriage.

Ask the Lord to give you empathy for your mother, to help you understand, and to show you how you can love and support her in her struggles.

Conflict can lead you toward a deeper marriage connection

Friendship in marriage is vital, but the busyness of life can squelch it. Don’t let emotional connection in marriage fade away — revive it using these tips.